
Interview with Vic Mignogna: Voice Actor and Producer

We recently interviewed Vic Mignogna, a multifaceted artist, renowned for his contributions as a musician, music producer, and voice actor. 

His musical journey began in the late 1980s, leading to the production and participation in numerous music albums. His career boasts a rich portfolio of voice acting roles and screen appearances both in the U.S. and internationally.

Hailing from southwestern Pennsylvania, Vic first started performing on stage and on screen when he was a child. Although he paused performing to concentrate on his academics through high school and college, his zeal for the arts remained.

After earning his degree in film and television production from Liberty University in the mid-1980s, Vic embarked on a diverse career path. He initially served as an educator, teaching speech and English in Jacksonville, Florida, after graduating from college. His career also took an unexpected turn when he briefly served as a police officer in Ocean City, Maryland.

Vic’s musical production career kicked off in the early 1980s, with significant early works that included his involvement with DC Talk’s debut album in 1989 and his own inaugural album, “If These Walls Could Talk,” in 1992. In 1993, he appeared on Ed McMahon’s Star Search, where he performed “Worth Waiting For.”

In 1990, Vic relocated to Houston to pursue a teaching position at the Art Institute of Houston, focusing on film and video production. He also delved into production roles for animated films and TV shows. These experiences connected him with voice actors and led to collaborations with prominent dubbing and animation studios in Houston and Dallas during the late ’90s and early 2000s.

Vic’s voice acting debut occurred in 1999 as Vega in “Street Fighter II V,” an anime adaptation of the famous video game. Over the next two decades, he lent his voice to numerous characters across various anime series and films, including notable titles such as “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood,” “Dragon Ball Z Kai,” and “Naruto: Shippuden.” His video game voice roles are equally impressive, contributing to series like “Dragon Ball,” “Fullmetal Alchemist,” and “Persona.”

Beyond voice acting, Vic Mignogna is celebrated for his musical talent and production prowess. He has created several original albums and is known for his advertising jingles. His on-screen roles extend to projects he has produced, written, or directed, with a standout role as Captain Kirk in the acclaimed “Star Trek Continues” web series.

Today, Vic continues to embrace a blend of voice acting, dubbing, music production, and involvement in the fan convention scene, showcasing his enduring dedication to his craft.

  1. What’s a typical day like for you, and how do you make it productive?

I start every day with devotional reading and prayer. Then I work on any number of audio or video related projects. Then it’s off to the gym!

  1. Can you tell us how you bring ideas to life?

That’s a tough one! If it’s music-related, I may plop down on the piano and work something out, or record myself singing an idea into my phone. If it’s a story idea or something else, the notepad on my phone gets a lot of use!

  1. What’s a trend that you find exciting?

One trend that excites me is that more and more people are coming to recognize the value of human contact. I think the degree of anger that exists in our culture today is a direct result of the separation and distance we have from others.

  1. What is one of your habits that helps you with productivity?

I’m always doing something of a creative nature  – music, film, acting, graphic design, even a project around the house. It could be any number of things. 

  1. What words of wisdom would you tell your younger self?

Life is full of great highs and heartbreaking lows. Be ready.

  1. Can you share something that you believe that almost nobody agrees with you about?

Springsteen is heavily overrated.

  1. Tell us one thing you repeatedly do and recommend others do?

Pray. Start each day by asking God to guide and direct your path.

  1. When you lack focus or feel overwhelmed, what do you do that helps?

I find it helps to do something mindless, like build something, fix something, etc.

  1. What’s a strategy that’s helped you advance in your career?

I’ve been told by many who know me well, and I agree with them, that I’m a perfectionist. While that can have some negative elements to it, I think it has always pushed me to give 100% of whatever I’m doing. I make each thing the best I can.

  1. Can you tell us about a failure in your career and how you overcame it? What lessons did you take away from it?

I think my failures have been more in my personal life than in my career. The lessons I took away from this were that God’s in control and His way is always the best way.

  1. Is there a type of software that helps you be productive? 

I spend a ton of time in Pro Tools for anything audio/music-related. I also work a lot in Adobe Photoshop and Premiere.

  1. What is the best $100 you recently spent?

I bought a cool metal pill bottle that has a key ring to attach to your keys. I carry super hot sauce in it!

  1. Can you recommend a favorite book you’ve gotten a lot of value from?

I’m currently reading the C.S. Lewis book “Mere Christianity” with my friend. It’s so great and profound.

  1. Because you’re in the entertainment industry, we thought it would be fun to end the interview with a related question. What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed? 

I really enjoyed the series “Anne With an E.” It’s just so well written and acted. The characters are so endearing.

At the end of our interview, we asked Vic to provide a few key takeaways from our talk. Here they are: 

There is a being bigger, smarter, and wiser than you who has a plan for your life. Trust it.

There is great joy and satisfaction in creating. 

Come up with ideas, even if they’re just for yourself, and see them through to completion. It’s very fulfilling.

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